Which Vitamins Help with Alcohol Hangovers?

Avoiding hangovers is better than curing them, but they don’t necessarily indicate an alcohol use disorder. For the occasional morning-after headache, there are better remedies than the hair of the dog, however. First, drink lots of water, but that can eliminate nutrients as well as toxins. So, second, consume foods rich in calcium (dairy products, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes), other minerals, vitamins D, B, and C, and drinks containing electrolytes.

Do you have hangovers? After drinking a lot, do you feel rotten the next day? Do you have headaches and nausea and just feel awful in general?

While the best way to handle hangovers is to not experience them in the first place, if you do have them, there are things you can do to feel better. For example, some people claim that you can take minerals and vitamins to help with hangovers.

If you’re fortunate enough not to experience the pain caused by hangovers but you still drink heavily, your health may still be at risk. Taking vitamins and minerals may improve it.

Vitamins and minerals are available in many supplements and in a number of foods and beverages.

Which Minerals and Vitamins Are the Best for Drinkers?


Large amounts of alcohol can affect how our bones store calcium, so one of the best mineral supplements for drinkers may be calcium. Without calcium, our nerves and muscles may not work properly. Persistent, heavy drinking can result in early onset of osteoporosis.

Where to find calcium: dairy products (milk, yogurt, and cheese), tofu, dark green leafy vegetables, legumes (beans, lentils, soybeans, peas, chickpeas, peanuts, etc.).

Vitamin D

Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium. Researchers in 2016 claimed that “excessive consumption of alcohol can significantly lower the levels of inactive vitamin D … [and] active vitamin D.”

Where to find it vitamin D: many kinds of fish and fish oils, dairy products.

Note: Although spending time in the sun stimulates the production of vitamin D, doctors don’t recommend soaking up large amounts of sunshine or using tanning beds because the practices may increase the risk of skin cancer.

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What Are Some Good Minerals and Vitamins for Hangovers?

Alcohol is a diuretic. This means drinking makes you urinate more. If you have a hangover, there’s a good chance you’ll be going to the bathroom quite a bit.

Frequent urination helps people remove alcohol from their systems. But, it also removes much-needed vitamins and minerals. Taking supplements could help restore some of these minerals and vitamins for heavy drinkers.

Of course, vitamins and minerals aren’t a cure for hangovers. They’re definitely not a cure for alcohol addiction. Instead, they may help people feel slightly better and give their bodies a few things that they sorely need. Some of the best vitamins for drinkers may include:

Vitamin B

Some regular drinkers swear that a combination of various types of vitamin B helps them fight hangovers, especially vitamin B12 (cobalamin), which may help improve the functions of the nervous system and brain.

Where to find vitamin B: You can take different vitamin B supplements on their own or combined with other B vitamins. A number of foods also contain B vitamins, including eggs, several types of meat, and many other foods.

Note: A hangover isn’t the only negative consequence of alcohol-related vitamin B deficiency. Heavy drinking over a long period can reduce people’s levels of vitamin B1 (thiamine), which could contribute to Wernicke encephalopathy and Korsakoff syndrome. When both conditions occur together, they’re known as Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome. Also known as wet brain, the syndrome causes brain damage.

Vitamin C

Another vitamin, vitamin C, is one of the best vitamins for drinkers and hangovers, according to some drinkers. They take it before they start drinking, hoping that vitamin C’s ability to fight cold symptoms can also help prevent hangover-induced illnesses.

Where to find vitamin C: Users swear that cold-fighting products that contain vitamin C and zinc can prevent hangovers. Foods that have high levels of vitamin C include citrus fruits (oranges and grapefruits) and other fruits as well as many vegetables, especially green ones.

Drinks with Minerals and Electrolytes

According to some people, a good way to prevent hangovers is by consuming drinks with minerals and electrolytes before they start drinking alcohol or while they’re drinking it. In this view, drinks with electrolytes help restore vitamins, minerals, and water to counteract the dehydrating effects of alcohol.

Where to find drinks with minerals and electrolytes: electrolyte-rich drinks include sports beverages and drinks intended to treat or prevent dehydration in infants and children. Its important to understand that while sports drinks help replenish electrolytes, the large amount of sugar present in these drinks can worsen dehydration caused by excessive diuresis.

Drinking large amounts of alcohol can deplete the body’s supply of vitamins and minerals. While vitamins for heavy drinkers and vitamins for hangovers may help restore some of these much-needed substances, better solutions are to drink moderately or not drink at all. If people can’t do these things, they should consider finding assistance.


Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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