
As the opioid crisis escalates, many doctors are searching for alternative forms of pain relief. Some have recommended more holistic treatments, such as physical therapy or acupuncture, to treat serious or chronic pain. In cases where medication is warranted, more doctors are choosing to prescribe less addictive medications, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including ibuprofen or meloxicam (Mobic).  But can you actually abuse meloxicam?

Is Meloxicam 15 Mg (Dosage) a Painkiller?

NSAIDs block the enzymes that produce prostaglandins and thus reduce the number of prostaglandins circulating in the body. This helps to decrease pain and inflammation that may occur due to injuries or chronic illnesses. Meloxicam, also known by brand names such as Mobic, is a NSAID painkiller. Typically, the drug’s dosage begins at 5 to 7.5 milligrams (mg) a day, although particular people may require higher dosages.

Typically doctors prescribe Mobic for chronic painful conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. It is also used in combination with other medications for surgery-related pain relief.

Is meloxicam a narcotic? As a NSAID, meloxicam is not a narcotic, although its pain-relieving benefits have been found to mirror the benefits of narcotics.

Can You Get High off of Meloxicam?

Meloxicam does not produce a euphoric high like many opioids do, which may make it a better choice for pain relief. The drug is not without danger, though, since the side effects of Mobic may be serious and an overdose is possible.

What Are Side Effects of Using Meloxicam?

For many who use meloxicam/Mobic, the side effects are uncomfortable but they are manageable. The side effects may include cold or flu symptoms, dizziness, diarrhea, gas, constipation, upset stomach, nausea, vomiting, or heartburn.

More serious side effects may occur, such as severe skin reactions, anemia, kidney or liver problems, stomach bleeding, rapid weight gain, shortness of breath, or allergic reactions. If these side effects occur, you should stop taking Mobic immediately and find medical attention.

Some people may experience stomach ulcers when taking NSAIDs. This is an urgent condition that requires treatment from a gastroenterologist. Untreated ulcers may lead to stomach bleeding, eating difficulties, weight loss, and abdominal pain.

Finally, people with blood clotting disorders or those who are on blood thinners should be cautious when taking meloxicam or other NSAIDs since these medications may prevent blood from clotting effectively. Brain bleeds, stomach bleeds, or wounds that do not heal are all more likely for people taking blood thinners or people who cannot form blood clots if they also take NSAIDs at the same time.

What Are the Symptoms of a Meloxicam Overdose?

NSAIDs may interfere with the blood’s ability to clot. Therefore, if an overdose occurs, people are at risk for uncontrolled bleeding, especially in the stomach. Symptoms of a gastrointestinal bleed include black or bloody stools, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, shallow breathing, severe anemia, fainting, or comas. Seizures, urination problems, drowsiness, fever, or coughing up blood are also signs of a meloxicam overdose.

Is Meloxicam Addictive?

Mobic/meloxicam is not considered physically addictive. But for some people, especially for those with chronic pain, psychological dependence may occur. If you are dependent on Mobic, you may feel as though your current dose is no longer soothing your pain, so you continue to increase the dose or frequency of your medication. This may be a dangerous practice. If your current medication cannot control your pain, it is important to speak with your doctor.

Can You Mix Meloxicam with Alcohol or Drugs?

Mixing NSAIDs with wine, other alcohol, or drugs may produce serious consequences. Mixing meloxicam/Mobic with alcohol or drugs may cause stomach, kidney, and liver damage. You may also be at risk for increased fatigue or drowsiness, experience problems operating heavy machinery or driving motor vehicles, and have a higher risk for a heart attack or stroke.

Is Meloxicam Stronger Than Ibuprofen?

Both meloxicam and ibuprofen are NSAIDs. Ibuprofen may be obtained over the counter, while meloxicam may only be obtained with a prescription. This means that ibuprofen is often more available to treat mild or moderate pain, such as flu-related pain, while Mobic is less accessible.

Per milligram, meloxicam is more potent, with the typical adult dosage starting at 5 mg, whereas 200 to 400 mg is a normal starting dose for ibuprofen. But at their typical doses, both meloxicam and ibuprofen may treat arthritis-related conditions effectively.

How Do You Treat Prescription Drug Abuse?

While Mobic/meloxicam is not considered physically addictive, like any drug, it has the potential for abuse. It is also dangerous when combined with alcohol or other drugs. Therefore, if you or a loved one is misusing Mobic or mixing Mobic with other substances, it is important to seek help.

Prescription drug abuse and polydrug abuse (the abuse of many drugs or the abuse of both drugs and alcohol) are treatable with the help of compassionate and knowledgable addiction professionals. Finding help is an important step to prevent the serious health consequences of taking high doses of meloxicam. A rehabilitation facility, whether it be an alcohol rehab or drug addiction treatment, may also take holistic approaches, helping you to find non-medication ways to manage your severe or chronic pain.

If you are concerned about your Mobic use, give us a call today. We are here to help you take the first step toward a clean and healthy life.

Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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