
Substance Use Disorder Resources

Knowledge is a powerful tool in the fight against substance use disorder. Our blogs provide helpful information, guides, and tips to anyone who needs it.

When it comes to substance abuse, half the battle is won the moment the individual acknowledges the need for drug rehab. Not everyone will admit to this, however out of fear of rejection, alienation, and judgment. It is difficult to get help if the person concerned doesn’t even realize there’s […]

Alcohol poisoning is another term for an alcohol overdose, a serious medical crisis that can be lethal. What is the definition (“def“), well it a nutshell it occurs when the blood level of alcohol is too high to be properly processed by the body. This typically results from drinking heavily […]

Chances are you’ve heard some buzz about the drug called kratom within the last year or so.  This is because the word on the street is that kratom is a drug that can treat pain and curb daunting opioid withdrawal symptoms. In fact, dietary supplement companies jumped in fast on the […]

Xanax is considered to be an extremely addictive benzodiazepine drug. It is often prescribed by physicians to treat mental disorders including panic disorders, anxiety disorders, and phobias. It was first used in the 1970s and it has become one of the most commonly prescribed benzodiazepines in the U.S. Physicians prescribe twice […]

Drinking alcohol seems as common today as drinking a bottle of water. According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), about 70 percent of the adult population in America reported drinking alcohol in the prior year, as reported in the 2015 National Survey on Drug Use and Health. The […]

Posted on June 12 , 2019
Every year, the National Institute on Drug Abuse conducts a survey on teen drug use. In their annual Monitoring the Future study for 2018, the NIDA found that a relatively high number of teens are using drugs. In fact, 32% of 10th graders and 37% of 12th graders are vaping, with […]

The pink cloud syndrome is very common among those who are in early recovery from an alcohol or drug addiction. Many first-time Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) members will talk about their pink clouds. The good news is that the pink cloud syndrome helps many people continue to stay sober. If you are […]

How dangerous is naproxen? This is something that many people want to know. The truth is that while you can’t get high on taking naproxen, this NSAID can be dangerous in its own sort. NSAID stands for a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Is naproxen an opioid, is another question commonly asked? […]

There are several kinds of addiction rehab centers available for both men and women. Some focus mainly on mental health disorders and others focus on only addictions. Several focus on the combination of both mental health disorders and addiction. There are many addiction rehab centers that offer programs to help a […]

Posted on May 29 , 2019
Benzodiazepines are a drug classification.  They affect gamma-aminobutyric, a neurotransmitter which reduces nerve activity.  Gamma-aminobutyric is an inhibitory, tranquilizing neurotransmitter that suppresses the function of neurons in the brain.  Benzodiazepines amplify the effects of this neurotransmitter to slow down the nerve activity in the brain.  Since excessive nerve activity has been linked to anxiety disorders, […]

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