What Does Demerol Look Like?

With the generic name meperidine, Demerol is a narcotic used to help in pain management. As a strong-acting opioid, Demerol is a controlled substance with a high potential for abuse. Do you suspect Demerol abuse in a loved one, family member, or yourself? Learn how to identify Demerol and its generic variants, signs of addiction, and how to get help.

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Demerol, otherwise known as meperidine, is a schedule II opioid to treat moderate to severe pain. Commonly, the drug is provided intravenously as an injectable, and in some cases, it is supplied as an oral medication. Demerol is given to those patients who are suffering from cancer-related pain, post-surgery pain, and other situations where severe pain cannot be treated with non-narcotic medications.

As an opioid with strong effects, Demerol is not recommended for long-term use. Aside from pain relief, an individual taking Demerol can experience effects such as strong sedation and feelings of euphoria. Thus, people who use the drug long-term can suffer from tolerance, dependency, and addiction.

If you or a loved one seems to be abusing Demerol, it is crucial to seek professional help as soon as possible. High doses of the drug can lead to life-threatening overdose and death. Below, you will find information on what does Demerol look like, its typical doses, and how to get help for substance use disorder.

Demerol Physical Appearance

The most common form of Demerol is through injection solutions in different doses. There are also tablets available, but other opioids are far better known in tablet form. Here is how to distinguish Demerol from other drugs:

What mg is Demerol (different colors)?

  • 25 mg/mL injectable: Labeled Demerol, color brown font, made of a clear solution
  • 50 mg/mL injectable: Labeled Demerol, color orange font, made of a clear solution
  • 75 mg/mL injectable: Labeled Demerol, color black font, made of a clear solution
  • 100 mg/mL injectable: Labeled Demerol, color green font, made of a clear solution
  • 50 mg tablet: White, round, with a horizontal line at the middle, and an imprint of “D 35” and a “W” logo
  • 100 mg tablet: White, round, with a horizontal line at the middle, and an imprint of “D 37” and a “W” logo

Now that one can distinguish Demerol colors, as well as their doses and variants, it is also essential to be familiar with the generic types labeled as meperidine. Below are the different kinds of generic Demerol:

What does generic Demerol look like?

  • 10 mg/mL injectable: Comes in a light brown box, with label “Meperidine” on a black font, made of a clear solution
  • 50 mg/mL oral solution: Comes in a white bottle labeled “Meperidine”, made of a clear solution
  • 50 mg tablet: White, round, has a horizontal line at the middle, with an imprint of “381 b”
  • 100 mg tablet: White, round, with an imprint of “382” and “barr”
  • 100 mg tablet (another variant): White, round, with an imprint of “51” and “E”-shaped logo

Having adequate knowledge of what color is Demerol, its dosages, as well as its generic variants, can help you identify if substance use disorder is present in your loved on or even yourself. Acting right away once you suspect Demerol addiction is crucial to avoid the adverse side effects such as overdose.

Opioid analgesics such as Demerol are known to easily cause dependencies, addiction, and eventual overdose. It also helps to know about the signs of Demerol addiction and its potential health consequences when used long-term.

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Symptoms of Demerol Addiction

Demerol abuse can come subtly if the person is prescribed the medication. The gradual increase in the frequency of use or dosages is the first sign of tolerance and dependency until the person suffers from a full-blown addiction. Here are the physical, mental, and behavioral symptoms of Demerol abuse:

Physical signs

  • Fatigue and sleepiness
  • Nausea and vomiting, especially when not taking the drug
  • Increased sweating
  • Itchy or dry skin
  • Dry mouth
  • Weight changes
  • Headaches
  • Constipation
  • Pale or bluish skin

Mental signs

  • Easily agitated
  • Feeling disoriented
  • Calm and relaxed when taking the drug
  • Anxiety and depression when not taking the drug
  • Frequent mood swings
  • Looking “dazed”, difficulties keeping up in conversation

Behavioral signs

  • Often running out of Demerol prescriptions more than intended
  • Faking prescription orders
  • Going to different healthcare facilities to report symptoms with the goal of acquiring the drug
  • Loss of interest in work, school, hobbies, or relationships
  • Increased secrecy and isolation

If you notice any or all of these signs in a loved one or yourself, it is best to seek help right away. Long-term abuse of Demerol can cause heart, circulatory, brain, or respiratory damage, some with irreversible effects.

The most immediate danger of Demerol addiction is overdose. Since people who are dependent on opioids eventually take increasing doses of the drug, they may eventually take in a lethal dose leading to respiratory or cardiac distress. By taking a step towards substance use disorder recovery, your or a loved one can prevent these dangerous outcomes.

How to Get Help for Demerol Addiction

Health conditions require proper medical intervention. By seeking formal help in substance use disorder, there is better chance for someone to recovery long-term without the dangers of intense withdrawal symptoms. Here are some solid steps that can take you or a loved one towards the path to recovery:

Contact a Demerol abuse treatment center

A substance use disorder treatment center with specific programs for Demerol abuse can give you proper and safe access to medical detox and professionals who are trained in opioid addiction. You will have better chances of recovering and can prevent relapse (as well as potential overdose) if you have a formal program in place. You can start by verifying your insurance to know the coverage of rehab and if you have other questions.

Gather support from trusted people

Having a support system during rehab and addiction recovery is essential to improve your chances of success. They can also provide you with financial resources should you need them, plus other types of assistance or encouragement during rehab. Reaching out to trusted loved ones or professionals can strengthen your sources of support, especially during challenging times of substance use disorder recovery.

Stay informed with trusted resources

Opioid abuse is considered a national health crisis–there is no shame in getting help and staying informed about this condition. You can look up trusted sources such as authoritative blogs journals and call a treatment center if you have any questions about Demerol abuse and recovery.

Demerol Addiction: Identifying the Drug, Signs of Abuse, and Recovery

Demerol abuse and other types of opioid addiction can subtly take hold and gradually dominate one’s life when not managed right away. To avoid the dangers of overdose and other health-related consequences, identifying the drug, finding signs of abuse, and taking a proactive stance against addiction can help you or a loved one recovery successfully.


  1. Medlineplus.gov – “Meperidine: MedlinePlus Drug Information.”
  2. Ncbi.nlm.nih.gov – “Doctor Shopping.”

Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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