How To Get An Alcoholic Out Of Your House

People may be wondering how to kick an addict out because their behavior can be threatening or destructive; to evict someone, people could seek legal and law enforcement assistance and could consider finding treatment help for the person with the addiction to drugs or alcohol.

They say that to love is to accept, but sometimes loving a person means letting them face the consequences of their actions. Are you wondering if it’s possible to kick someone out because of a substance use disorder problem? The answer may not be simple.

Patience is indeed a virtue. It’s a trait most of us aspire to have, especially when faced with difficult situations. However, patience toward a person can sometimes be a crutch. If you extend it, the problem may remain.

Patience Runs Thin: Is There an Addict in my House?

Speaking of patience as a crutch, this can especially be true if you have family members who are suffering from a substance use disorder (SUD). You may have thought of ways to convince them to attend rehab, have talked to them about how their addiction affects you and other people in the home, or perhaps you’ve expressed your frustrations, but to no avail.

At this point in your relationship, you may be thinking, “I need to take drastic measures.” You may be contemplating how to get a drug addict out of your house. You may be wondering if or when to take action. Here are some signs you may want to consider.

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Signs that you need to remove an addict from the house

Any form of abuse

Living with a drug addict spouse or child is challenging, but in some instances, the relationship can be abusive. If you are experiencing any form of abuse–whether physical, sexual, or emotional–this is a sign that you need to examine your situation and take action as soon as possible.

Unwillingness to change

Another glaring sign that indicates you should consider kicking a loved one out of the house is their unwillingness to change. If you’re decided that you won’t tolerate their behavior and they don’t perform any action on their part, it may be best to give your loved one a wake-up call by removing them from your home. This may be a good prompt for them to start taking their addiction and recovery seriously.

Minors living in the home

Addiction affects not only the person suffering from it, but also the people who surround them. Who could be more vulnerable from addiction’s negative effects than young children living in your home?

According to researchers, children who live with parents or adults who abuse substances are likely to suffer from neglect, maltreatment, and less secure attachments. If you don’t want to risk psychological damage to minors living in your house, take measures to keep them safe.

Violent or criminal behavior

Substance use disorder sufferers may also experience mental health problems. The problems may make them violent toward others and themselves or prompt them to use poor judgement that could be harmful. Some signs of aggression or criminal activity include:

  • Making violent threats toward you or others
  • Harming themselves
  • Attempting to assault you or others
  • Destroying household items
  • Stealing money or other items
  • Bringing suspicious people into the home
  • Lurking close to others’ homes when not invited

One way to keep you and your loved ones safe is by kicking destructive addicts out of the home. Violence and criminal behavior may escalate if people tolerate it, so it is best to nip the problem in the bud as soon as possible.

Still, these signs are general, and you are the best judge of your own situation. If you have experienced many of these signs or thought about how much it would help your household and your loved one by removing them from your home, there are some steps you can take to deal with the situation.

How to Get a Drug Addict out of the House

There are different situations relating to removing addicts from your home. In the first, the individual is a tenant but does not have a close personal relationship with you. The second situation features a family member or another personal relationship.

Situation 1: Removing a Tenant from Your Home

Tenants may be easier to evict from your home because you have less intense emotional attachments to them. If they have shown signs of addiction, broken your tenant rules and regulations, or are posing a threat, you can contact law enforcement authorities to help you plan an eviction.

If they have responded to your actions and you have provided sufficient evidence of substance use disorder and its dangerous implications, you can file an eviction notice and they will have to leave your home.

Step 1: Prepare for the situation

You may start by giving a verbal warning to the addict renting in your home. In some cases, this may not be beneficial, especially if they have aggressive or violent tendencies. Assess the situation by contacting legal or addiction professionals to help you decide on the best initial step.

Step 2: Contact law enforcement

If warnings and civil discussions aren’t effective, you may contact law enforcement authorities to report the situation. You may present evidence such as filmed footage, paraphernalia, pictures, or sworn testimonies about the tenant’s alcohol or drug use. Evidence can help you strengthen your case and file an eviction notice.

Step 3: File an eviction notice

It is best to learn the laws in your area before making a formal eviction notice. After this, you may proceed by filing an eviction notice with your local court. This will help you work with law enforcement to conduct the eviction.

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Situation 2: Removing a Family Member or Another Loved One from Your Home

Perhaps you are dealing with a drug addict spouse or child living in your home. This may make the situation more complex, as you have more emotionally attachments to them. Due to the emotional attachment involved with children we have developed a guide on how to let go to a drug addict son. It is possible to remove them legally from your home, though.

Below are some steps you can follow:

Step 1: Talk to a legal professional

It is best to consult an attorney or legal professional about how to kick a drug addict out of your house. Legal professionals know the laws in their area and will provide you with the steps you need to evict your loved ones successfully. They may also inform you about the risks related to eviction and how to avoid them.

Step 2: Take initial steps

There are various ways on how to handle a drug addict child or spouse, and each depends on your unique situation. After preparing legal counsel and seeking other assistance, you may take steps in removing your loved one at home. Some common situations people encounter include:

  • Spouse showing signs of aggression: You must be able to show evidence of assault, aggression, or violent behavior toward you or others to file an order of exclusive occupancy. At this point, you need to gather evidence through video footage, pictures, paraphernalia, and other sorts of information that can help strengthen your case.
  • Emancipated adult child: When your child is no longer a minor, there are U.S. states that claim that you do not have to provide for their needs. In this case, you can legally evict a drug addict son living at home, or a daughter who is suffering from substance use disorder. If they have displayed disruptive or violent behavior and may display such harmful behavior in the future, you may have grounds for eviction.
  • Minor child: Unless your child has committed a crime which requires incarceration, there are other steps you can take instead of kicking your minor child out of your home. In some U.S. states, it is legal to place your child into rehab against their will, especially if they are still under your consent. Consulting a legal team, law enforcement professionals, and a competent rehab that can stage an intervention, can make this possible.

Step 3: Coordinate with your support teams

Once you have your legal, law enforcement, and rehab professionals in place, you can proceed through the steps they have advised and proceed to the eviction. In extreme cases, the police will forcibly take a child or a spouse. For others, a warning of exclusive occupancy will be enough. For minors, evicting them from your home while sending them to rehab can also be an option.

The bottom line in these procedures is not to take matters into your own hands. Although taking action is key, it is best to consult legal advice in order to avoid a contentious situation between you and your loved ones.

Kicking an Addict Out? Do It the Right Way

Removing someone from your home can be painful and challenging, but sometimes it is the best choice. As long as your intentions are good and you are aware that it is the best course of action in your situation, it is possible to kick an addicted person out of your home.

By taking legal steps, consulting with professionals, and taking control of the situation in a logical, safe manner, it is possible to keep yourself and your household safe from the potential dangers of addictive behavior. It is also likely, that taking this step may help them take their first step towards recovery.



  • – Respect Yourself: Stop Letting Others Take Advantage of You
  • – How to Be a Lion: 7 Steps for Asserting Yourself Positively
  • – Understanding the Diverse Needs of Children Whose Parents Abuse Substances
  • – Deranged and Dangerous: When Do the Emotionally Disturbed Resort to Violence?
  • –  How to Evict a Tenant: A Step-by-Step Guide to the Eviction Process
  • – Exclusive Possession of the Family Home

Medical disclaimer:

Sunshine Behavioral Health strives to help people who are facing substance abuse, addiction, mental health disorders, or a combination of these conditions. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery.

Licensed medical professionals review material we publish on our site. The material is not a substitute for qualified medical diagnoses, treatment, or advice. It should not be used to replace the suggestions of your personal physician or other health care professionals.

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